Saturday, 17 September 2016

Music Video Vox Pop


From the Vox Pop question that detailed participants’ favourite music genre, we discovered that even though people do have different favourite genres such as R&B, Rock and Alternative, their reasoning behind liking these genres are due to the fact they are not necessarily considered mainstream and they are all unique in their own ways and they prefer genres like this to the pop genre for example. This could impact our possible song ideas for our music video production as possibly more different, less mainstream genres are more likeable than simply the pop genre.

With the question in which we asked what participants thought made a music video memorable, we discovered that originality could be key, this originality could be present in the narrative, as one answer stated that an ‘interesting’ narrative made a music video memorable. On top of this, we learnt that originality could also be vital in terms of mise-en-scene as another answer stated good mise-en-scene makes music videos memorable. As another participant stated, the music video can simply just be fun and enjoyable to watch. This could influence our ideas for our music video production as we have now learnt that originality can definitely be effectively and in our production we plan to be as original as possible in as many aspects as possible.

In the question ‘What do you like most about music videos?’, we gained similar responses to the answers to what made a music video memorable, these answers included, originality in narrative and song, however we did learn from this question that positive emotions and concepts are the most likeable features of a music video, as we received answers such as vibrance, fun and excitement.

From the examples given by the participants for memorable music videos their thoughts on what makes a memorable music video are reinforced as the examples they give roughly contain all of the aspects they have mentioned to be effective.

In the question in which we asked for the participants’ preference on narrative type, we learned further that people really enjoy a story in a music video. Out of the five answers we received, 4 out of the 5 chose either amplification or illustration, from this we learnt that people like to be able to associate the lyrics of the song visually in the video, whether this is an illustration where the video almost reflects the video exactly, or if its amplification where the key concepts or ideas are visually reflected on the video.

With the final question, we intended to find out what type of performance to narrative ratio people prefer. From the Vox Pop, we did learn that people do in fact enjoy the presence of both, as we discovered that people would ‘get bored’ if there was too much performance or too much narrative therefore a 50/50 ratio would possibly be more effective.

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